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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Folkways: personal views
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: An edited summary of a panel discussion moderated by Clarke Hess and Lorna Bergey and including Donald Martin and Ivan Kraemer of Waterloo County and other Mennonite members from Pennsylvania. Topics ...Keywords: Mennonites (Old Order)BirthsDeathsMennonitesAgricultureChildrenCustoms and traditionsWomenAssociations and clubsPennsylvania GermansYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1900-1990Export options:From forge to farm
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A history of the emigration of Valentin and Anna Gertrude Ratz from Germany in 1828, based largely on the memories and family traditions contained in a 1918 letter by Jacob Ratz, who was an infant ...Keywords: Settlers GermanBlacksmithsSaw mill industryGenealogyRatz JacobRatz ValentinRatz Anna Gertrude (m. Valentin)Wilmot Centre CemeteryHessen GermanyAlsfeld Hessen GermanyYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1828-1918Export options:From Pennsylvania to Waterloo: Pennsylvania-German folk culture in transition
Type: BookAbstract: Proceedings of the 10th anniversary symposium, "Continuity and change: Pennsylvania-German folk culture in transition", richly illustrated with photographs of the accompanying exhibit, "Changes in ...Keywords: AmishArt and artistsFood customsCustoms and traditionsEthnic identityAgricultureFolk artFolkloreGenealogyGerman languageYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1750-1950Export options:German Immigration into Canada
Type: BookKeywords: ImmigrationGermansKitchenerLegislationYear of publication: 1952Historical Period: 1945-1951Export options:German or Canadian?
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An essay about German identity in southwestern Ontario, based on examples from German-language newspapers in Ontario. The author attributes the lack of active political ambition by early German ...Keywords: NewspapersIndustriesPoetryGerman languageEthnic groupsEthnic identityCustoms and traditionsOntarioWorld War IAcculturationYear of publication: 1952Historical Period: c1800-c1950Export options:Glimpses of mother
Type: BookAbstract: A spiritual character sketch of Mrs Silas Bauman (Lydia Ann Groff, 1862-1949) written by her daughter. It includes letters, poems and other writings by Lydia Ann.Keywords: MennonitesWomenCorrespondenceBiographiesPoetryFloradaleKitchenerBerlin (Ontario)Bauman Lydia Ann Groff (m. Silas)Shantz MerleYear of publication: 1952Historical Period: 1862-1949Export options:Hallman family history in Canada
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy containing portions of family histories by H.S. Hallman and Dr Bergey. Biographical data and photographs of family farmsteads precede the genealogical data for each branch of the family.Keywords: GenealogySettlersPennsylvania GermansBiographiesFarmersMennonitesRosevilleNew DundeeMannheimDumfries North TownshipYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1825-1991Export options:Henry Brubacher Bowman, 1900-1991
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A biography of the secretary-treasurer of the Waterloo Historical Society from 1967- 1973, including a sketch of his working life as an engineer with various industrial businesses. His ...Keywords: OccupationsMennonites (Old Order)BiographiesPublic transportIndustriesBusinessesGerman languageBowman Henry BrubacherBowman AbrahamBowman Catherine Brubacher (m. Abraham)Year of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1900-1991Export options:History of the Petworth emigration scheme: annual report for {Families}
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A progress report on the Petworth history project. Some pioneer families, notably in Waterloo Township, came to Upper Canada under the auspices of this assisted emigration scheme.Year of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1832-1837Export options:Index to A Fischer and Benninger family tree by Helen A. Schroeder
Type: ReportAbstract: An index to over 800 personal names.Year of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1821-1984Export options: