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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
The demographic basis of the Old Order Mennonites
Type: ReportAbstract: A study of marital patterns, fertility, migration and occupations of Old Order Mennonites in Canada and the United States between 1939 and 1985. Research shows a young population, an increasing ...Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1939-1985Export options:The dual heritage of Berlin, Ontario
Type: ThesisAbstract: A biography of L.J. Breithaupt, based on entries in his diaries spanning 35 years and ranging from his apprenticeship in his father's tannery to his later interests in the Breithaupt Leather Company ...Keywords: BiographiesDiariesBreithaupt Louis Jacob (1855-1939)Berlin (Ontario)KitchenerLeather industryBreithaupt Leather Co. BerlinEntrepreneursPoliticiansEvangelical ChurchYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1875-1910Export options:The 'Dutchman' and the 'Deitschlenner': the New World Confronts the Old
Type: Journal ArticleYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 19c-1914Export options:The family of Barbara Koch, 1831-1910, and Abraham Dettwiler, 1828-1912
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy with biographical notes and reminiscences of the descendants of Abraham, ordained a minister of the North Woolwich Mennonite Church in 1858. The family moved to Michigan in 1864, some ...Keywords: GenealogyFarmersMennonitesClergyDettwiler AbrahamDettwiler Barbara Koch (m. Abraham)Dettwiler Abraham K.Dettwiler Veronica Sauder (m. Abraham K.)Woolwich TownshipFloradaleYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1828-1988Export options:The family of Valentine Ratz
Type: ReportAbstract: A genealogy of the family of John Ratz and Salome Heist of Elmira, and their ten children.Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1828-1988Export options:The genealogy of Henry and Froenika Neuschwanger who arrived in North America from Germany in 1846: organized down to the sixth generation
Type: BookAbstract: A six-generation history of the descendants of Henry and Froenika Neuschwanger and their twelve children. Henry was ordained as a Mennonite bishop in 1867. He and his family led a group of settlers ...Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1846-1988Export options:The Hallman-Clemens genealogy with a family's reminiscence
Type: BookAbstract: An autobiography of Rev. Eli Schmidtt Hallman, who was born near New Dundee and moved to Saskatchewan in 1905, later moving to Goshen, Indiana and then Texas. He describes the Mennonite revival led ...Keywords: GenealogyTeachersBusinessesMennonitesSchoolsSaengerfestsIndustriesEducationFarmersCustoms and traditionsYear of publication: 1950Historical Period: 1825-1949Export options:The history of Waterloo County: a Story courage, vision, progress
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A brief historical outline to mark a century of county government. The author is most concerned with early settlement by Mennonites, Amish and European Germans before 1850, but she mentions the ...Year of publication: 1950Historical Period: 1800-1950Export options:The Jews and the Public Education System: the Students' Strike Over the 'Flag Fight' in Toronto After the First World War
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: In 1918, several Jewish elementary students in Toronto went on strike when their teachers would not permit them to place the Zionist flag among the flags of the victorious World War I allies. The ...Year of publication: 1988Export options:The Old Order Mennonite community in the early twentieth century
Type: ReportAbstract: A report intended for the use of interpreters at Doon Heritage Crossroads, where the Peter Martin house represents an Old Order Mennonite farm. Information is presented on family and social units, ...Keywords: Educational publicationsMennonites (Old Order)German languageReligionEthnic groupsEthnic identityFood customsAgriculturePennsylvania GermansFuneralsYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1900-1920Export options: