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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Beginnings in Ontario
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An account of the Mennonite migration to Ontario from Pennsylvania following the American Revolutionary War, and of the three settlements established in the Niagara, Waterloo and York districts.Keywords: MennonitesAmishImmigrationWar 1775-1783 American RevolutionaryPennsylvania GermansYork RegionNiagara RegionWaterloo CountyYear of publication: 1950Historical Period: 1783-1924Export options:Brief biography
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Notes on 22 Waterloo County residents who died in 1948: Henry Wolfhard, Mrs S.C. Tweed, Charles R. Phelps, Louis D. Merrick, Dr R.L. Shields, John E. Vogt, George Karges, Mary Weber, Mrs Minerva Dart ...Keywords: ObituariesBiographiesOccupationsWolfhard Henry DrVogt John E.Karges GeorgeWeber MaryDart Minerva MrsShantz Nelson G.Swartz Percy W.Year of publication: 1948Historical Period: 1850-1948Export options:Canadian Society for German Relief Bulletin
Type: MiscellaneousAbstract: A bulletin published in co-operation with the Göttingen Research Committee into the Refugee and Expellee Problem, an organization devoted to the alleviation of suffering in Germany and Austria. The ...Year of publication: 1948Historical Period: 1948-1953Export options:Cedar Creek and Dickie Cemeteries
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An account of two cemeteries in North Dumfries Township, with references to well- known area surnames found on the tombstones, such as Kersell, Cranston, Veitch, Brown, Lee, Wilson, Dalgleish, ...Keywords: CemeteriesCemetery recordsFamiliesYear of publication: 1950Historical Period: 1834-1950Export options:Folk-lore of Waterloo County, Ontario
Type: BookAbstract: Parts of these had already been published in the "Journal of American Folk-lore".Year of publication: 1950Export options:Genealogical history of the Clemens family and descendants of the pioneer, Gerhart Clemens
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of a Pennsylvania family, mentioning Abraham S. Clemens and Abraham O. Clemens whose families came to Waterloo Township in 1825 and 1855 respectively.Year of publication: 1948Historical Period: 1825-1948Export options:History as related by early Canadian newspapers
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A shoKeywords: NewspapersHistorical sourcesYear of publication: 1948Historical Period: 1844-1947Export options:How to live without wars and wedding rings
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An account of a week the author spent living with an Old Order Mennonite family in Waterloo County, and what she learned about their way of life. This article was included in a collection of Staebler ...Keywords: Mennonites (Old Order)Ethnic groupsConscientious objectionMarriageCustoms and traditionsWaterloo CountyYear of publication: 1950Historical Period: 1950Export options:Jacob Y. Shantz, 1822-1909, promoter of the Mennonite settlements in Manitoba
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A biography of the Berlin farmer- businessman and community leader, emphasizing his role in helping Russian Mennonites to migrate to Manitoba in the later nineteenth century.Keywords: BiographiesRussian MennonitesBusinessesImmigrationFarmersIndustriesMennonitesShantz Jacob Y.Berlin (Ontario)ManitobaYear of publication: 1950Historical Period: 1822-1909Export options:Kristli's trees
Type: BookAbstract: A fictional story for children about an Old Order Mennonite boy coming to terms with his uncompromising religion and way of life. The book is illustrated by Selwyn Dewdney.Year of publication: 1948Historical Period: c1940-1948Export options: