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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Frederick Gaukel
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short biography of the hotel-keeper by his grandson.Keywords: BiographiesGaukel FrederickGaukel's Hotel Berlin (Ontario)Berlin (Ontario)KitchenerCommercial Hotel Berlin (Ontario)Walper House Berlin18th century19th centuryYear of publication: 1928Historical Period: 1785-1853Export options:John G. Richter, F.A.S.
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A brief biography of the Waterloo County native who became a prominent figure in the insurance industry in London, Ontario.Year of publication: 1928Historical Period: 1854-1928Export options:Mabel Dunham
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A brief profile of the noted librarian and author.Keywords: BiographiesWomenMennonitesDunham B. MabelWaterloo CountyBerlin (Ontario)KitchenerLibrariansAuthorsYear of publication: 1928Historical Period: 1910-1928Export options:Search for America
Type: BookKeywords: FictionBiographiesYear of publication: 1928Export options:Search for America; The Odyssey of an Immigrant
Type: BookKeywords: FictionBiographiesYear of publication: 1928Export options:Statement of losses, Block No. 2 residents, War of 1812
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A document showing the losses sustained by several of the early inhabitants of Block Number 2, while they were employed in military transport work during the War of 1812. Names of those people and ...Keywords: War 1812Military serviceGermansMennonitesBechtel GeorgeBricker JohnSnyder JacobErb PeterWieler GerhartChisholm JohnYear of publication: 1928Historical Period: 1812-1813Export options:Talmon Henry Rieder
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short biography of the entrepreneur who became president and managing director of the Canadian Consolidated Rubber Company, the Canadian Consolidated Felt Company and the Ames-Holden-McCready ...Keywords: BiographiesGermansBusinessesRieder T.H.Rieder PeterRieder EmileneKaufman JacobRieder Martha Melvina Anthes (m. T.H.)Berlin (Ontario)KitchenerYear of publication: 1928Historical Period: 1878-1922Export options: