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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Albert William Augustine
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the Waterloo trunk and bag manufacturer whose mother was a sister of L.J. Breithaupt and who married a daughter of Jacob Kaufman.Keywords: BiographiesManufacturersLeather industryAugustine Albert W.Augustine Edna Kaufman (m. Albert W.)Augustine Caroline Margaret Barbara Breithaupt (m. Albert B.)Breithaupt familyKaufman familyDoering Trunk Co. WaterlooCanada Trunk Co. KitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1890-1926Export options:Aloyes Bauer
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A biography of the Waterloo manufacturer and community leader.Keywords: BiographiesTextile IndustryFurniture industryBrewery industrySchools SeparateChurches CatholicBauer AloyesBauer familyBauer Magdalena Kuntz (m. Aloyes)Bauer Industries WaterlooYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1861-1926Export options:Biographical dictionary of Austrians in Canada
Type: BookKeywords: AustriansBiographiesDictionariesYear of publication: 2002Export options:Border crossings: The making of German identities in the New World, 1850--1914
Type: ThesisAbstract: Border crossings, in both their literal and figurative sense, are central to the experience of migration. This study explores the making of German identities in two localities, Berlin (Ontario) and ...Keywords: Berlin (Ontario)Ethnic identityYear of publication: 2002Historical Period: 1850-1914Export options:Louis J. Breithaupt
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A biography of Kitchener's leading businessman, including summaries of Breithaupt family history and business interests.Keywords: BiographiesMayorsPoliticiansLeather industryChurches EvangelicalBreithaupt familyBreithaupt A.L.Breithaupt Catharine Hailer (m. Louis)Breithaupt E. CarlBreithaupt Emma Devitt (m. L.J.)Year of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1855-1926Export options:Negotiating the Divides: How Adult Children of Holocaust Survivors Remember Their Engagement with the Popular Culture of the 1950s
Type: ThesisAbstract: This dissertation examines how Jewish children of Holocaust survivors (COS), growing up in the 1950s in a small city in Ontario engaged with popular culture. Set within the context of a predominantly ...Year of publication: 2002Export options:The Bowmanville Riot
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: The writer discusses the history of the three-day Battle of Bowmanville, which occurred in Ontario in October 1942 when Canadian troops fired on German prisoners of war during a rebellion at a camp. ...Keywords: World War IIPrisoners of warBowmanvilleYear of publication: 2002Export options:The 'Jewish Phase' in the Movement for Racial Equality in Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Following World War II, leaders of Canadian Jewry explained anti-Semitism as an aspect of racial prejudice in general, a problem attributable to pathological individuals who engaged in discrimination ...Keywords: DresdenJewsDiscriminationYear of publication: 2002Export options:Zeller family in Germany, 1684-1866, and Canada and USA, 1833-2002
Type: BookYear of publication: 2002Export options: