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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
William Stephen Gurton
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the managing director of the Dominion Truck Equipment Company of Kitchener, including an outline of the company's development and connection with the Canadian Regal Motor Company.Keywords: BiographiesAutomotive industryGurton W.S.Nyberg HenryDominion Truck Equipment Co. KitchenerCanadian Regal Motor Car Co. BerlinFour Wheel Drive Co. KitchenerBerlin (Ontario)KitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1912-1926Export options:William T. Sass
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the Kitchener furniture manufacturer.Keywords: BiographiesFurniture industrySass W.T.Ford HomerKrug HartmanKitchener City CouncilKitchener Board of TradeKitchener-Waterloo Collegiate BoardInterior Hardwood Co. BerlinInterior Hardwood Co. KitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1866-1926Export options:Wilson Brower Bechtel
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the Kitchener real estate and insurance broker whose family operated brick yards at Waterloo.Keywords: BiographiesInsurance agentsBrick making industryBechtel Wilson B.Bechtel IsaacBechtel Byron E.WaterlooBlairKitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1890-1926Export options:Zwei weihnachtliche Spiele für Schulbühnen.
Type: BookKeywords: Christmas playsSchool playsYear of publication: 1978Export options: