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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A history of the Stauffer families who came to Ontario
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy based on the 1934 work by C.T. Groh. This report includes more information on the European ancestors, the names of all Stauffers who came to Upper Canada before 1867, and a brief ...Year of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1800-1977Export options:Albert William Augustine
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the Waterloo trunk and bag manufacturer whose mother was a sister of L.J. Breithaupt and who married a daughter of Jacob Kaufman.Keywords: BiographiesManufacturersLeather industryAugustine Albert W.Augustine Edna Kaufman (m. Albert W.)Augustine Caroline Margaret Barbara Breithaupt (m. Albert B.)Breithaupt familyKaufman familyDoering Trunk Co. WaterlooCanada Trunk Co. KitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1890-1926Export options:Aloyes Bauer
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A biography of the Waterloo manufacturer and community leader.Keywords: BiographiesTextile IndustryFurniture industryBrewery industrySchools SeparateChurches CatholicBauer AloyesBauer familyBauer Magdalena Kuntz (m. Aloyes)Bauer Industries WaterlooYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1861-1926Export options:Canadiana Germanica: a journal for German- Canadian Studies and news bulletin of the German-Canadian Historical Association and the Historical Society of Mecklenburg Upper Canada Ont.
Type: MiscellaneousAbstract: A quarterly publication with articles in both English and German on German-Canadians. Many are transcripts or facsimiles of articles in other periodicals such as the "Kitchener-Waterloo Record". ...Keywords: GermansEthnic identityIndexesPeriodicalsMennonitesPennsylvania GermansOntarioWaterloo CountyAssociations and clubsYear of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1799-1992Export options:Descendants of John Hess Brubacher D-14, 1782-1862 of Juniata County and his nephew "Cooper" John Sherk Brubacher D-63, 1807-1887 of Ontario, Canada
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy including many Waterloo descendants. One of the earliest Brubachers to settle in the Waterloo region was John W. Brubacher who came to Woolwich Township from Pennsylvania in about 1825 ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesIndigenous peoplesBiographiesSaw mill industryTextile IndustrySettlers PennsylvaniaBrubacher familyBrubacher John W.Year of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1825-1977Export options:Deutsch als Muttersprache in Kanada: Berichte zur Gegenwartslage
Type: BookAbstract: A collection of essays about German- language enclaves in Canada. Werner Bausenhart, Kurt Nabert, Klaus H. Bongart and others discuss the dialects of Ontario German-speaking communities, especially ...Keywords: AmishGerman languageGermansEthnic groupsEthnic identityMennonitesMennonites (Old Order)Customs and traditionsWaterloo CountyOntarioYear of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1945-c1975Export options:German-Language Radio and TV Broadcasts in Canada
Type: Journal ArticleYear of publication: 1977Export options:Louis J. Breithaupt
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A biography of Kitchener's leading businessman, including summaries of Breithaupt family history and business interests.Keywords: BiographiesMayorsPoliticiansLeather industryChurches EvangelicalBreithaupt familyBreithaupt A.L.Breithaupt Catharine Hailer (m. Louis)Breithaupt E. CarlBreithaupt Emma Devitt (m. L.J.)Year of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1855-1926Export options:Ontario fraktur : a Pennsylvania-German folk tradition in early Canada
Type: BookKeywords: Pennsylvania GermansFrakturFolk artYear of publication: 1977Export options:Passages out of my life
Type: BookAbstract: An autobiography of the Russian-born Mennonite who immigrated to Canada in 1923. Presented as a collection of snippets, the work provides insight into his character through his use of humour. Rempel ...Keywords: BiographiesRussian MennonitesDepressionsRempel HenryKitchener UpholsteryMennonite Brethren Church KitchenerWaterlooKitchenerYear of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1907-1977Export options: