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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
The settlement of Waterloo County
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A survey of pioneer settlement by Mennonites from Pennsylvania in the early nineteenth century, including the families of Schoerg, Eby, Erb, Betzner, Brubacher, Baumann, Bechtel, Biehn, Bergey, ...Keywords: SettlersWaterloo CountyPennsylvania GermansMennonitesScotsAmishEby Ezra E.Young JamesSherk A.B. Rev.Beasley RichardYear of publication: 1948Historical Period: 1800-1856Export options:Toward Sodom
Type: BookAbstract: A fictional account of religious and family disruptions caused by the conflict between the worldly ways of Ebytown and traditional Mennonite values. The novel continues the chronicle of Waterloo ...Year of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1850-1920Export options:Walter George Rumpel
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the president of the Rumpel Felt Company of Kitchener, in succession to his father George Rumpel.Keywords: BiographiesManufacturersFelt industryRumpel GeorgeRumpel Felt Co. KitchenerKitchenerBerlin (Ontario)Year of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1885-1926Export options:Walter John Fleischauer
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the secretary-treasurer of the Baetz Brothers Furniture Company and of his father, Louis Fleischauer, a Wellesley blacksmith.Keywords: BiographiesFurniture industryBlacksmithsFleischauer Walter J.Fleischauer LouisBaetz Brothers Furniture Co. KitchenerKitchenerWellesleyYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1865-1926Export options:William G. Weichel, M.P.P.
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the Waterloo hardware merchant and politician, including an account of the family business.Keywords: BiographiesMerchantsPoliticiansWeichel William G.Weichel MichaelWeichel Margaret Schmidt (m. Michael)King W.L. MackenzieGraybill LeviEuler W.D.M. Weichel and Sons ElmiraYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1870-1926Export options:William Henry Breithaupt
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the engineer who managed the Breithaupt family interests in public utilities and promoted the causes of local history, public libraries, town planning and Grand River conservation.Keywords: BiographiesEngineersPublic utilitiesLibrariesElectricityStreet railwaysGas CoalAssociations and clubsBridgesRailwaysYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1861-1926Export options:William Henry Schmalz
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A brief biography of the insurance company official and first Mayor of the City of Berlin.Keywords: BiographiesInsurance agentsMusicArt and artistsMayorsSchmalz William HenrySchmalz BalthazarKranz HugoSchmalz Beatrice Richardson (m. W.H.E.)Schmalz Eleonore Oelschlager (m. William Henry)Year of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1862-1926Export options:William Stephen Gurton
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the managing director of the Dominion Truck Equipment Company of Kitchener, including an outline of the company's development and connection with the Canadian Regal Motor Company.Keywords: BiographiesAutomotive industryGurton W.S.Nyberg HenryDominion Truck Equipment Co. KitchenerCanadian Regal Motor Car Co. BerlinFour Wheel Drive Co. KitchenerBerlin (Ontario)KitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1912-1926Export options:William T. Sass
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the Kitchener furniture manufacturer.Keywords: BiographiesFurniture industrySass W.T.Ford HomerKrug HartmanKitchener City CouncilKitchener Board of TradeKitchener-Waterloo Collegiate BoardInterior Hardwood Co. BerlinInterior Hardwood Co. KitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1866-1926Export options:Wilson Brower Bechtel
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the Kitchener real estate and insurance broker whose family operated brick yards at Waterloo.Keywords: BiographiesInsurance agentsBrick making industryBechtel Wilson B.Bechtel IsaacBechtel Byron E.WaterlooBlairKitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1890-1926Export options: