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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Family register of Jacob and Magdalena Bender and their children to the sixth generation: from the year of our Lord 1832 to 1925
Type: BookAbstract: The second edition of a genealogy with a brief introduction noting that the Amish Mennonite family settled near New Hamburg about 1832 after first coming to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania from Hessen ...Keywords: MennonitesPennsylvania GermansGenealogyAmishNew HamburgWilmot TownshipBender familyBender JacobBender Magdalene BrennemanYear of publication: 1925Historical Period: 1832-1925Export options:Genealogy of the Bergey family: a record of the descendants of John Ulrich Bergey and his wife, Mary
Type: BookAbstract: An encyclopedic history of the Bergey family in North America from 1719 to 1925. The book is divided by generations, with many details of individuals and places of residence and a comprehensive index ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesSettlers PennsylvaniaBergey John UlrichBergey Mary (m. John Ulrich)Bergey familyWaterloo CountyYear of publication: 1925Historical Period: 1815-1925Export options:Over Prairie Trails. With Illus. by C.M. Manly
Type: BookYear of publication: 1925Export options:Reminiscences of early Waterloo
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An historical sketch of Waterloo County during the second half of the nineteenth century, including references to the communities of Freeport, Blair, Ayr, Doon, Preston and Berlin and to community ...Year of publication: 1925Historical Period: c1850-1924Export options:Settlers of the Marsh
Type: BookKeywords: FictionYear of publication: 1925Export options:Sir Adam Beck
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A profile of the native of Baden, Ontario stressing his achievements in the iron foundry and milling business, politics, and the distribution of hydro-electrical power in southwestern Ontario. The ...Year of publication: 1925Historical Period: 1837-1925Export options:The Hunsbergers
Type: BookAbstract: The original version of a comprehensive family history that includes descendants of Abraham and his son Abram who came to the Waterloo area from Pennsylvania in 1801.Keywords: GenealogyFamiliesMennonitesSettlers PennsylvaniaHunsberger AbrahamHunsberger AbramHunsberger Mollie Janzen (m. Abram)Wilmot TownshipNew HamburgBadenYear of publication: 1925Historical Period: 1801-1920Export options:The settlement of Waterloo County
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An account of the early settlement of Block Number 2, Waterloo Township by Pennsylvania Mennonites, with brief mentions of the first pioneers in the other townships.Year of publication: 1925Historical Period: 1800-1850Export options: