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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Ashkenazi is jazzy
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Discusses Yiddish culture in Canada in light of the summer 1997 Ashkenaz Festival in Toronto, Ontario. Performers at the festival; The Wedding Project and its attempts to rejoice in the Yiddish ...Keywords: Jews (Ashkenazi)YiddishTorontoFestivalsYear of publication: 1997Export options:Brubacher family history
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A detailed account of four generations of Brubachers in North America from about 1710, including a family tree, locations of family members in Pennsylvania and Waterloo County, many given names and ...Keywords: FamiliesGenealogyBiographiesMennonitesPennsylvania GermansSwissBrubacher JohnEby BenjaminErnst AnnaBuckwalter AbrahamYear of publication: 1923Historical Period: 1800-1923Export options:Dies und Das
Type: BookKeywords: German wit and humor CanadaYear of publication: 1997Export options:President's address: Early settlement in Upper Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A survey of pioneer settlement in Waterloo in the context of early Upper Canada.Keywords: Pennsylvania GermansMennonitesWar 1775-1783 American RevolutionaryUnited Empire LoyalistsIndigenous peoplesYear of publication: 1923Historical Period: 1800-1923Export options:The Great War and Waterloo County: the Travails of the 118th Overseas Battalion
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Canada's 118th Overseas Battalion, raised during World War I, still retains a reputation for disorder and underachievement. The unit's experience, however, actually was similar to other units Canada ...Year of publication: 1997Export options:The Hessians of Upper Canada
Type: BookKeywords: Hessian Auxiliary TroopsUpper CanadaYear of publication: 1997Export options:The Hessians of Upper Canada /
Type: BookYear of publication: 1997Export options:Und ob ich schon wanderte--: Geschichten zur Geschichte der Flucht und Wanderung der Mennoniten von Preussen über Russland nach Amerika
Type: BookKeywords: Mennonites ColonizationMennonites Prussia (Germany) HistoryCanada Emigration and immigrationLatin America Emigration and immigrationUnited States Emigration and immigrationYear of publication: 1997Export options: