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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Brubacher family history
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A detailed account of four generations of Brubachers in North America from about 1710, including a family tree, locations of family members in Pennsylvania and Waterloo County, many given names and ...Keywords: FamiliesGenealogyBiographiesMennonitesPennsylvania GermansSwissBrubacher JohnEby BenjaminErnst AnnaBuckwalter AbrahamYear of publication: 1923Historical Period: 1800-1923Export options:Culture and community, Kitchener, 1911-1939: Music, radio, film, and theatre
Type: ThesisAbstract: This thesis is an investigation of the ethnically unique community of Berlin/Kitchener and its reaction to the coming of mass cultural influences. German culture was more dominant when this period ...Year of publication: 1996Export options:Fugitive slaves and free Americans in Canada West before 1860
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A discussion of research sources used in the author's thesis about black settlement and experience in the Queen's Bush. Most fugitive slaves were illiterate, and their settlement is marked only by ...Keywords: Census recordsYear of publication: 1996Historical Period: 1830-1860Export options:Multiculturalism, Jews and identities in Canada
Type: BookKeywords: JewsEthnic identityYear of publication: 1996Export options:Neo-Nazis in Toronto: the Allan Gardens Riot
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Discusses the demographics of Jews in Canada, where in the late 1950's some 13-15% of Canadian Jews were Holocaust survivors, with reference to their role in the larger Jewish community and to the ...Keywords: TorontoJewsAnti-Nazi MovementsYear of publication: 1996Export options:Open your hearts: the story of the Jewish war orphans in Canada
Type: BookYear of publication: 1996Export options:President's address: Early settlement in Upper Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A survey of pioneer settlement in Waterloo in the context of early Upper Canada.Keywords: Pennsylvania GermansMennonitesWar 1775-1783 American RevolutionaryUnited Empire LoyalistsIndigenous peoplesYear of publication: 1923Historical Period: 1800-1923Export options:Profiles Germany: German immigrants in Canada. Profils Allemagne German immigrants in Canada Analysis of selected demographic and socio-economic characteristics
Type: BookYear of publication: 1996Export options: