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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A plea for peoplehood: religious and ethnic identity, continuity, and change among the Mennonites of Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario
Type: ThesisAbstract: An analysis of the ethnic identity of the Mennonites, with particular reference to the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Topics include religious divisions, the amalgamation of church conferences, and the ...Keywords: MennonitesEthnic identityGermanCultural identityAcculturationKitchenerWaterlooWaterloo RegionMennonite Central CommitteeInter-Mennonite ConferenceYear of publication: 1989Historical Period: 1800-1989Export options:Brubacher family history
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A detailed account of four generations of Brubachers in North America from about 1710, including a family tree, locations of family members in Pennsylvania and Waterloo County, many given names and ...Keywords: FamiliesGenealogyBiographiesMennonitesPennsylvania GermansSwissBrubacher JohnEby BenjaminErnst AnnaBuckwalter AbrahamYear of publication: 1923Historical Period: 1800-1923Export options:Burghalle remembered: a Saxon village in Transylvania
Type: BookAbstract: An account of the people and customs of the Transylvanian village of Burghalle, some of whom came to the Waterloo area following the Second World War. There are recollections of immigrants, such as ...Keywords: World War IIRomaniaGermansBiographiesMusicAssociations and clubsImmigrationEthnic groupsEthnic identityAcculturationYear of publication: 1989Historical Period: 1945-1989Export options:Gemutlichkeit! In Kitchener-Waterloo that means Oktoberfest
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Outlines the background to the annual "Gemutlichkeit' or "Oktoberfest', held in Kitchener and Waterloo, Canada every year. The festival allows the local population to return to their Germanic roots ...Keywords: Kitchener-Waterloo OktoberfestFestivalsYear of publication: 1989Export options:Notes (part 2) on the Hannusch family of Berlin, Ontario, Canada
Type: ReportAbstract: An expanded version of the 1985 genealogy, with more illustrations and lists of sources and associated family names. A name index has been compiled by Elizabeth Schmadl.Year of publication: 1989Historical Period: 1870-1985Export options:President's address: Early settlement in Upper Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A survey of pioneer settlement in Waterloo in the context of early Upper Canada.Keywords: Pennsylvania GermansMennonitesWar 1775-1783 American RevolutionaryUnited Empire LoyalistsIndigenous peoplesYear of publication: 1923Historical Period: 1800-1923Export options:The four faces of John Ratz, Elmira
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An appraisal of Ratz's roles as Reeve, railway promoter, miller, real estate entrepreneur and family man.Keywords: RailwaysBiographiesFinancial institutionsFlour mill industryPoliticiansMapsPhysiciansSettlersLand ownershipElmiraYear of publication: 1989Historical Period: 1833-1889Export options:The Waterloo Mennonites: a community in paradox
Type: BookAbstract: A scholarly study by a sociologist who was also founding president of Conrad Grebel College of what he calls "the most ethnically and organizationally diverse of any Mennonite community." Information ...Keywords: Russian MennonitesYear of publication: 1989Historical Period: 1800-1988Export options: