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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Abandoned Baptist Mission Cemetery (CC#4550): Canada Company Block B, Concession
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions with index of 25 stones in the small cemetery that lies behind a log house to the left of the Philipsburg- Wellesley road. The log house was first a Baptist church built in 1837, later ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyBuildings LogYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1837-1942Export options:Berlett's Corner Cemetery (CC#4552): Canada Company Block B, Concession III, Lot 13, Wilmot Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of grave markers, numbered by rows, with an index of names. The introduction notes that the cemetery occupies the site of the Berlett's Corners Lutheran Church, next to a building ...Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1862-1925Export options:Brubacher family history
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A detailed account of four generations of Brubachers in North America from about 1710, including a family tree, locations of family members in Pennsylvania and Waterloo County, many given names and ...Keywords: FamiliesGenealogyBiographiesMennonitesPennsylvania GermansSwissBrubacher JohnEby BenjaminErnst AnnaBuckwalter AbrahamYear of publication: 1923Historical Period: 1800-1923Export options:Elfriede and company: a tale of two families
Type: BookAbstract: The chronicle of the Janzen family, Russian Mennonites who fled to Waterloo County in 1924. The story includes the Neufeld family, for Eliese Neufeld married Rev. Jacob H. Janzen, and both had ...Keywords: BiographiesMennonitesRussian MennonitesGenealogyMusicArt and artistsSocial conditionsEducational exchangesChildrenSettlers UkrainianYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1903-1979Export options:Index to births, deaths and marriages announced in the Deutsche Canadier, Berlin, Canada West
Type: BookAbstract: An index to surviving copies of the newspaper for the years 1841 to 1862, held at the Kitchener Public Library. The index includes names, dates of the events, dates recorded in the journal, and brief ...Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1841-1862Export options:John Goessman
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A biography of the surveyor of the German Block in Wilmot Township for Christian Nafziger's Amish and Mennonite settlers. Goessman (1776-1841) also surveyed other townships and acted as an agent for ...Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1820-1840Export options:President's address: Early settlement in Upper Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A survey of pioneer settlement in Waterloo in the context of early Upper Canada.Keywords: Pennsylvania GermansMennonitesWar 1775-1783 American RevolutionaryUnited Empire LoyalistsIndigenous peoplesYear of publication: 1923Historical Period: 1800-1923Export options:Readers' ancestry
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An illustrated genealogy of the family of Aden Eby and his wife, Ruby Winger. The family is descended from Benjamin Eby, a leading Mennonite of Waterloo Township, and John Winger, founder of the ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesPennsylvania GermansTunkersEby familyEby AdenEby Ruby Winger (m. Aden)Eby ElizabethEby MalcolmEby DwightYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1806-1988Export options:St James Anglican Church (CC#4571): Huron Road, Wilmot Township, Block A, Concession 2, Lot 27
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions with index of about 220 markers in the cemetery adjoining St James Anglican Church. An introduction briefly outlines the history of Anglican places of worship in Haysville and New ...Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1854-1987Export options:The demographic basis of the Old Order Mennonites
Type: ReportAbstract: A study of marital patterns, fertility, migration and occupations of Old Order Mennonites in Canada and the United States between 1939 and 1985. Research shows a young population, an increasing ...Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1939-1985Export options: