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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
E.W.B. Snider
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A biography of Snider (1842-1921), mill owner, promoter of the Waterloo Junction Railway and "father of hydro power" in Ontario. Special mention is made of a German roller machine, the "Walzenstuhle ...Keywords: BiographiesRailwaysFamiliesGenealogyMillsChurches EvangelicalRussian MennonitesPolitical partiesFlour mill industryFoundriesYear of publication: 1921Historical Period: 1842-1921Export options:Historical sketch of the Clemens family
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A history of the Clemens family, especially those members who became pioneers of Waterloo Township.Keywords: Settlers PennsylvaniaUnited Empire LoyalistsGenealogyAmerican Revolution 1775-1783Diseases CholeraTextile IndustryClergyChurches MethodistChurches EvangelicalWater powerYear of publication: 1921Historical Period: 1800-1921Export options:President's address: Waterloo County newspapers
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A catalogue of newspapers printed in Waterloo County from 1835 to 1920, with names of their publishers and editors.Year of publication: 1921Historical Period: 1835-1918Export options: