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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Drudge family history: Uriah Drudge family genealogy, other Drudge family lines, from John Drudge, 1774 emigrant to Canada to the present
Type: BookAbstract: A history of the family represented in Waterloo County by Ben Drudge's family who lived between Bridgeport and Lexington.Keywords: FarmersGenealogyDrudge BenjaminDrudge Barbara Shirk (m. Benjamin)Drudge familyBridgeportLexingtonYear of publication: 1992Historical Period: 1900-1972Export options:Physicians of note and notoriety
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Biographical sketches of doctors who spent only a portion of their lives in Waterloo Region. Two of them, Drs Gottfried Schmutter and Lewis Senghas, did not find favour, but Dr George Acheson, Dr ...Year of publication: 1992Historical Period: 1847-1938Export options: