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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Family history of Jacob and Elizabeth Eby Bergey
Type: BookAbstract: An annotated genealogy updating the 1925 work by Dr David Hendricks Bergey and including brief histories of the Bergey and Clemens families.Keywords: GenealogyPennsylvania GermansMennonitesBiographiesBergey JacobEby ElizabethBergey familyClemens familyBirky familyBergey DavidYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1818-1987Export options:The family history and genealogy of Andrew and Anna (Sommer) Herrfort
Type: BookYear of publication: 1992Historical Period: 1830-1980Export options:The family history and genealogy of Jacob Wagler and Magdalena Gardner and Barbara Lebold
Type: BookAbstract: A history of the Wagler family, commemorating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Jacob Wagler, bishop of the Wellesley Amish Mennonite Congregation. Biographical information is provided about ...Keywords: AmishAnabaptistsMennonitesGenealogyBiographiesClergyWagler familyWagler JacobGardner MagdalenaLebold BarbaraYear of publication: 1989Historical Period: 1839-1989Export options: