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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
The family history of Jonas Good and Elizabeth Snyder Good: their descendants and his ancestors
Type: BookAbstract: Genealogies and tributes to Jonas, Elizabeth and their seven children. Jonas' father, Daniel Good, came from Pennsylvania to Waterloo in 1826. Jonas and Elizabeth began farming south of the Baden ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesMennonitesFarmersWilmot TownshipNew HamburgGood familyGood JonasGood Elizabeth Snyder. (m Jonas)Snyder SamuelYear of publication: 1976Historical Period: 1826-1976Export options:The Hunsbergers
Type: BookAbstract: Most Waterloo County Hunsbergers in this book are descendants of Abraham and his son Abram who settled in Wilmot Towmship after migrating from Pennsylvania in 1801.Keywords: GenealogyFamiliesMennonitesSettlers PennsylvaniaHunsberger AbrahamHunsberger AbramHunsberger Mollie Janzen (m. Abram)Waterloo CountyNew HamburgBadenYear of publication: 1941Historical Period: 1801-1940Export options:The Hunsbergers
Type: BookAbstract: The original version of a comprehensive family history that includes descendants of Abraham and his son Abram who came to the Waterloo area from Pennsylvania in 1801.Keywords: GenealogyFamiliesMennonitesSettlers PennsylvaniaHunsberger AbrahamHunsberger AbramHunsberger Mollie Janzen (m. Abram)Wilmot TownshipNew HamburgBadenYear of publication: 1925Historical Period: 1801-1920Export options: