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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A Mennonite draft dodger in Canada: a memoir
Type: BookAbstract:"Sam Steiner reflects on his journey from a small Mennonite community in eastern Ohio to political radicalization in the 1960s at Goshen College in Indiana. Following expulsion from college for ...
Year of publication: 2022Export options:In search of promised lands: a religious history of Mennonites in Ontario
Type: BookAbstract:The wide-ranging story of Mennonite migration, theological diversity, and interaction with other Christian streams is distilled in this engaging volume, which tracks the history of Ontario ...
Year of publication: 2015Export options:The Wilhelm family in Canada... minutes
Type: BookAbstract: Minutes of 56 Wilhelm family reunions, describing the organization, programmes and finances. Many of the reunions were held in Baden and New Hamburg. In 1988, Elizabeth Schmadl also transcribed these ...Year of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1837-1987Export options:The Wilhelm family in Canada... minutes of the Wilhelm family reunions (Michael Wilhelm and Margaret Wettlaufer), 1927-1987, Elizabeth, Peter, Valentine, Anna Margaret, Jacob
Type: BookAbstract: Minutes of 56 Wilhelm family reunions, describing the organization, programmes and finances. Many of the reunions were held in Baden and New Hamburg. In 1988, Elizabeth Schmadl also transcribed these ...Year of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1837-1987Export options:Vicarious pioneer: the life of Jacob Y. Shantz
Type: BookAbstract: A biography of the Waterloo County Mennonite who played a significant role in helping Mennonites from Ukraine emigrate to Manitoba in the 1870s. Shantz's life is traced from his farm childhood and ...Keywords: ImmigrationEntrepreneursBiographiesRussian MennonitesUkraineBerlin (Ontario)KitchenerShantz Jacob Y.19th centuryYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1822-1909Export options: