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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Canadian Amish Mennonite Roots in Pennsylvania
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Traces the migration from Pennsylvania and settlement in what are now York and Waterloo counties, Ontario, of the Troyer, Stoltzfus, Schwartzentruber, and other Amish families.Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1785-1835Export options:Descendants of John Wismer and his wife Agnes Honsberger of Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada
Type: BookAbstract: An account concentrating on the history of the family in Pennsylvania and the Vineland area, with biographical notes on descendants who moved to Waterloo County, especially Kitchener.Keywords: MennonitesGenealogyWismer familyBiographiesWaterloo CountyBerlin (Ontario)Kitchener20th centuryYear of publication: 1974Historical Period: 1907-1974Export options:Introduction: the Jantzi/Yantzi/Yancey family from Lorraine, France to Lewis County, New York and Ontario, Canada with smaller contingents soon moving on to Iowa and Illinois; Supplement: additions and corrections to Family history and genealogy of John Jantzi and Elizabeth Gerber by Mrs Menno W. Kuepfer and Lorraine Roth, 1974 and to The family history and genealogy of Joseph and Catherine (Boshart) Jantzi, Christian and Catherine (Boshart, Jantzi) Riser, John and Anna (Jausi) Ulrich by Ruth Yantzi Ryan and Lorraine Roth, 1982
Type: ReportAbstract:Background material on the French origins of the family with additions and corrected information, though the contemporary genealogy has not been updated. Both books mentioned in the title are ...
Year of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1830-1991Export options:The years of Benjamin Eby, pioneer Mennonite leader in Ontario, Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A study of the life and times of Benjamin Eby (1785-1853), early community and church leader. A chronological account of Eby's accomplishments as a writer, educator, bishop and patron of new ...Keywords: BiographiesMennonites (Old Order)CorrespondenceEconomic conditionsPublishersWritersReligious dissensionTemperance movementTeachersFurniture industryYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1785-1909Export options: