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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Julian Beaty and Abraham Z. Buehler: a record of their descendants
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy with brief biographies of John Beaty and Mary Cress, parents of Julian, who settled in Waterloo Township. Descendants of the six surviving children of Julian and Abraham Z. Buehler ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesSettlers IrishSettlers PennsylvaniaWar 1812TeachersMennonitesCress familyBuehler AbrahamBeatty JohnYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1800-1988Export options:The ancestors and descendants of Conrad Doerrbecker (1797-1882)
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of a German family that emigrated to Canada after 1837 and whose descendants married into the Geib, Becker, Keller, Gerhardt and Geil families.Keywords: GenealogySettlers GermanDoerrbecker familyDoerbecker familyDoerbecker ConradDoerbecker Barbara E. George (m. Conrad)Geib PhilippGeib Anna Marie Doerbecker (m. Philipp)Becker Johann ConradBecker Anna Martha Doerbecker (m. Johann Conrad)Year of publication: 1992Historical Period: 1841-1991Export options:The Schmidt-Smith family tree, 1787-1981
Type: BookAbstract: A list of the descendants of Johannes and Maria Catharina Schmidt who came to Waterloo County in the 1860s. Entries are arranged by family and generation and give birth and death dates. There are ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers GermanSmith familySchmidt familySchmidt JohannesSchmidt Maria Catharina Schaefer (m. Johannes)Schmidt Adelaide Fischer (m. John S.)Schmidt John S.Schmidt KonradSchmidt Anna Jaeckel (m. Konrad)Year of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1860-1981Export options: