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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Simon Cress - the first Mennonite settler in the St Jacobs area
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A brief account of Cress who bought Lot 7 in Woolwich Township in 1819 from John Erb. The article provides information on the exact location of the homestead as well as biographical details of Simon' ...Keywords: Settlers PennsylvaniaMennonitesBiographiesSettlers PioneerCress SimonCress EphraimCress JacobCress CatharineBricker Elizabeth CressHewitt Rachel Cress (m. Elisha)Year of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1819-1852Export options:The anglicizing of German surnames - a frustrating genealogical experience
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A summary of the topics, followed by a discussion of the name Empey, for which the author finds over 65 spellings.Year of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1709-1983Export options: