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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A history of the ancestors and relations
Type: BookAbstract: A sequel to the author's 1973 book which followed the Woolwich couple's descendants. This book examines the German and French antecedents and the U.S. family connections.Keywords: GenealogySettlersGermansReunionsRitter familyRitter PhilipRitter Elizabeth Knechtel (m. Philip)Schweitzer Elizabeth Ritter (m. Jacob)Schweitzer JacobRitter ValentineYear of publication: 1994Historical Period: 1819-1994Export options:The trail blazer
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A biography and family history of Jacob (Yoch) Schneider (1764-1853) who came to the Bloomingdale area in 1806.Keywords: BiographiesSettlersPennsylvaniaSchneider Jacob 1764-1853Schneider familyGenealogyLand ownershipMennonitesBloomingdale19th centuryYear of publication: 1969Historical Period: 1806-1853Export options: