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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Henry William Peterson
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A biography of Peterson (1793-1859), publisher of Canada's first German newspaper and other German works, including a collection of hymns for the Berlin community in 1836 and almanacs in 1838, 1839 ...Keywords: LutheransPublishersGenealogyNewspapersPeterson Henry WilliamPeterson Harriet Middleton Clayton Douglas (m. H.W.)Peterson Henry William JrPeterson A.J.Eby JonasMcLean JohnYear of publication: 1931Historical Period: 1793-1913Export options:The Peterson diary
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A discussion of the diary of Rev. John Peterson of Markham, including a brief reference to the description by his son, Henry William, of a church service conducted by Benjamin Eby.Keywords: ClergyDiariesMennonitesGerman languageLutheransEby BenjaminPeterson Henry WilliamPeterson Henry William JrPeterson familyPeterson Harriet Middleton Clayton Douglas (m. H.W.)Year of publication: 1961Historical Period: 1819-1852Export options:Time for building: essays on Lutherans in Canada
Type: BookKeywords: LutheransLutheran ChurchYear of publication: 1988Export options: