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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
1784-1984: 200 years of German participation in building Ontario: a chronological table
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A summary of the migrations of German- speaking people and the areas they settled in the Waterloo region. Prominent individuals including Benjamin Eby, Christian Nafziger, F.W. Bindemann, George ...Keywords: GermansReligionEducationCustoms and traditionsSportsMusicAssociations and clubsIndustriesGerman languageUpper CanadaYear of publication: 1984Export options:The history and heritage of German immigration to Canada
Type: BookAbstract: A brief overview of German groups who settled in Waterloo County, from the Pennsylvania-German Mennonites in the early nineteenth century to the Volksdeutsche in the 1950s.Keywords: Russian MennonitesYear of publication: 1982Historical Period: c1800-c1950Export options: