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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Pastoral ordinations in Ontario
Type: Magazine ArticleKeywords: ClergyMennonite churchesOrdinationTheological schoolsSpiritualityReligious congregationsReligions And Theology--Other Denominations And SectsYear of publication: 2019Export options:Pastoral ordinations in Ontario
Type: Magazine ArticleKeywords: ClergyOrdinationTheological schoolsSpiritualityReligious congregationsReligionChurches MennoniteYear of publication: 2019Export options:Pastoral transition in Ontario
Type: Magazine ArticleAbstract:Jim Whitehead began serving as the interim supply pastor at Community Mennonite Fellowship, Drayton, Ont., on June 14, 2015. He was formally installed on June 28.
Keywords:Year of publication: 2015Export options:Pastoral transition in Ontario
Type: Magazine ArticleAbstract:Jim Whitehead began serving as the interim supply pastor at Community Mennonite Fellowship, Drayton, Ont., on June 14, 2015. He was formally installed on June 28.
Keywords: MennonitesOntarioYear of publication: 2015Export options:Pastoral transitions in Ontario
Type: Magazine ArticleKeywords:Year of publication: 2023Export options:Pastoral transitions in Ontario
Type: Magazine ArticleYear of publication: 2021Export options:Some 'plain' people of Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A general account of pioneer settlement by Mennonites, Amish and Tunkers, especially in Waterloo and Wilmot Townships but with references to their significance in western Canada.Year of publication: 1924Historical Period: 1800-1870Export options:Staff changes
Type: Magazine ArticleAbstract:Pastoral transitions in Ontario Ken, left, and Dawne Driedger began as interim pastors at Preston and Wanner Mennonite churches, in November 2021, serving both congregations alongside Kyongjung ...
Keywords: ChristianityTheological schoolsReligious congregationsRetirement communitiesTheologyMaternity & paternity leavesOntario Bible CollegeChurches MennoniteYear of publication: 2022Export options:Staff changes
Type: Magazine ArticleAbstract:Pastoral transitions in Ontario Ken, left, and Dawne Driedger began as interim pastors at Preston and Wanner Mennonite churches, in November 2021, serving both congregations alongside Kyongjung ...
Year of publication: 2022Export options:The history of Waterloo County: a Story courage, vision, progress
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A brief historical outline to mark a century of county government. The author is most concerned with early settlement by Mennonites, Amish and European Germans before 1850, but she mentions the ...Year of publication: 1950Historical Period: 1800-1950Export options: