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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Brief biography
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Notes on 22 Waterloo County residents who died in 1948: Henry Wolfhard, Mrs S.C. Tweed, Charles R. Phelps, Louis D. Merrick, Dr R.L. Shields, John E. Vogt, George Karges, Mary Weber, Mrs Minerva Dart ...Keywords: ObituariesBiographiesOccupationsWolfhard Henry DrVogt John E.Karges GeorgeWeber MaryDart Minerva MrsShantz Nelson G.Swartz Percy W.Year of publication: 1948Historical Period: 1850-1948Export options:Canadian Society for German Relief Bulletin
Type: MiscellaneousAbstract: A bulletin published in co-operation with the Göttingen Research Committee into the Refugee and Expellee Problem, an organization devoted to the alleviation of suffering in Germany and Austria. The ...Year of publication: 1948Historical Period: 1948-1953Export options:Kristli's trees
Type: BookAbstract: A fictional story for children about an Old Order Mennonite boy coming to terms with his uncompromising religion and way of life. The book is illustrated by Selwyn Dewdney.Year of publication: 1948Historical Period: c1940-1948Export options:The Pequegnat family
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A history of the Swiss family who settled in Berlin in 1874 and established clock and jewellery stores around southwestern Ontario. The author notes the family reunion at Eugene's home at Bridgeport ...Keywords: BusinessesSwissBerlin (Ontario)GuelphBridgeportPequegnat PierrePequegnat familyPequegnat ArthurPequegnat C.D.Pequegnat E. PaulYear of publication: 1948Historical Period: 1874-1948Export options: