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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Early history of the County of Waterloo
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Text of an address outlining the history of Waterloo County and mentioning local historians Ezra Eby, A.B. Sherk, James Young and Gottlieb Bettschen.Keywords: Pennsylvania GermansGermansScotsSettlersImmigrationMennonitesSchoolsReligious buildingsWaterloo CountyGerman Company TractYear of publication: 1913Historical Period: 1799-1913Export options:Historical notes on the Grand River
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An address given at Chicopee on August 2, 1930 on the history and prehistory of the river, its geographical characteristics and various inhabitants and explorers since the seventeenth century.Year of publication: 1930Historical Period: 1600-1930Export options:History of Waterloo County
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: An outline history of the county's settlement by various ethnic groups and of industrial development, electrification, publishing and printing, and cultural activities such as music and singing ...Year of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1798-1926Export options:Simeon Eby Martin (1892-1984)
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A transcript of an interview with the carpenter Simeon Martin about his life before the death of his wife, Barbara (nee Snyder) in 1977. Martin's stories convey his deep feelings for his Mennonite ...Keywords: BiographiesChurches MennoniteMennonitesMennonites (Old Order)Oral historyLanguage rightsLinguistic minoritiesMartin Simeon EbyEby William K.Eby AmandaYear of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1892-1977Export options:The "Canada Museum"
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short history of the "Canada Museum und Allgemeine Zeitung", Kitchener's oldest German newspaper, published from 1835 to 1840.Keywords: GermansNewspapersWaterloo CountyPeterson Henry WilliamEby BenjaminSchneider Jacob C.Van Egmond AnthonyIsrael CarlScott John DrRobinson PeterYear of publication: 1939Historical Period: 1835-1850Export options:Waterloo County history
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A summary history of Waterloo County and its five townships. Topics include local historians, the Attiwandaronk Indians, various groups of settlers, education, newspapers, railways, and Waterloo ...Keywords: Indigenous peoplesMennonitesAmishMillsFlour mill industryEthnic groupsImmigrationSettlementSettlement processFurniture industryYear of publication: 1919Historical Period: 1800-1918Export options: