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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
The first community cemetery and church
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short description of the Hagey Mennonite Church and cemetery where many early residents of Preston are buried. The author lists Clemens family members buried there, with their birth and death dates.Year of publication: 1964Historical Period: 1806-1964Export options:Those enterprising Pennsylvania Germans
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A special issue of the publication of the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society of Ontario, with a collection of stories of business activity among Mennonites who have sometimes been wrongly assumed ...Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1800-1995Export options:Three Pennsylvania German pioneer homesteads in Ontario: the families and their way of life
Type: BookAbstract: Illustrated accounts of three Pennsylvania German pioneer homesteads, including the Shantz family homestead in Wilmot Township. Each family is described with its crops, livestock and farm buildings, ...Keywords: Shantz familyShantz JacobShantz Amos Y.Shantz Noah S.Shantz Walter C.AgricultureCustoms and traditionsMapsFood customsFolkloreYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1781-1955Export options:Three Schneider Pennsylvania German pioneering families
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An account of the families and descendants of the Schneider brothers Christian, Jacob and Joseph, who came to Waterloo Township in 1806-7. Their roles as farmers, millers and landowners in the local ...Keywords: MennonitesWaterloo TownshipSchneider ChristianSchneider Elizabeth Erb (m. Christian)Schneider Jacob YochSchneider Maria Erb (m. Jacob)Schneider Barbara Eby (m. Joseph)Schneider JosephBean John SrSchneider Jacob C.Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1806-1968Export options:Uncle Hannes and Levi
Type: BookAbstract: A description of a week's events in the life of a Mennonite boy who lived near Hespeler at the end of the nineteenth century. Two of the main characters and their families are fictitious but most are ...Year of publication: 1970Historical Period: 1800-1900Export options:Why the Bechtel, Biehn, Betzner and Gingrich families chose the Beasley Tract in 1800
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A partly fictionalized account of how the early Pennsylvania Mennonite and Tunker settlers came to Waterloo Township and paid Richard Beasley forty thousand dollars for sixty thousand acres. The ...Keywords: FictionTunkersLand ownershipAgricultureCustoms and traditionsPennsylvania GermansSettlersUpper CanadaWaterloo TownshipGerman languageYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1800-1804Export options: