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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A biographical history of early settlers and their descendants in Waterloo Township by Ezra E. Eby 1895 & 1896; a supplement by Joseph P. Snyder 1931; plus an intensive index of all entries of all persons whose names are used throughout the volumes; an ordinal index of geography related to the numbered items; notes about some of the families and individuals; maps and other documents of interest
Type: BookAbstract:An introduction, notes, maps and set of indexes to accompany and update the reprinting of Ezra Eby's {Biographical history} of 1895-6 (qv) and Joseph B. Snyder's {Supplement} of 1931 (qv). Lists ...
Keywords: MennonitesSettlersPennsylvaniaGenealogyLand ownershipMaps18th century19th century20th centuryYear of publication: 1971Historical Period: 1798-1970Export options:Assessment/Collector's roll 1859, Waterloo Township
Type: ReportAbstract: A roughly alphabetical index to all persons recorded in the Collectors' Rolls. Details are given of the name, occupation, and concession and lot number of each assessed property-owner. Joel Clemens ...Year of publication: 1976Historical Period: 1858-1859Export options:Aunt Hannah
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Reminiscences of a Groh family visit by wagon to Aunt Hannah Baer, daughter of Levi Snyder, at Owen Reist's farm. There is genealogical information on the Baers, some of whom built bridges at ...Keywords: GenealogyCustoms and traditionsMennonitesPrestonHespelerWest MontroseFreeportGroh familyGroh IvanGroh OscarYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1845-1920Export options:Descendants of pioneer HH214 Henry Hershey Weber (1793-1862) and Salome (Baer) Bauman (1791-1868): ordained 1824 as first minister for Martin's Mennonite Church....
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy that uses a numbering system to identify each generation and the order of children's births. The entries are interspersed with short anecdotes and illustrated with photographs and ...Keywords: Weber familyBauman familyGenealogyMennonitesBiographiesMartin's Mennonite MeetinghouseWaterloo Township19th century20th centuryYear of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1800-1981Export options:Diaries of our Pennsylvania German ancestors 1846-1925
Type: BookYear of publication: 2002Export options:Ephraim Weber
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An account of the family of Ephraim Weber, a writer from Waterloo County who later moved to Alberta.Keywords: GenealogyAuthorsMennonitesTeachersBiographiesKitchenerBerlin (Ontario)BadenFreeportPrestonYear of publication: 1962Historical Period: 1895-1962Export options:Freeport Pioneer Cemetery (CC#5432): Riverbank Drive, Broken Front Lot 14, Waterloo Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions with index of about 100 markers in the half-acre burial ground which dates from 1818.Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyYear of publication: 1974Historical Period: 1818-1950Export options:From Stambach to Berlin (Ontario) and the descendants of Rev. John W. Stoeckle/Steckle (JJJ4), 1802-1879
Type: BookAbstract: A family history of the Rev. John W. Steckle, his wife Esther Bleam and their six grown children. Copies of newspaper clippings, wedding announcements, obituaries and family correspondence are ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesStoeckle familySteckle familyMennonitesStoeckle John W.Berlin (Ontario)KitchenerWaterloo TownshipStambachYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1802-1986Export options:History or fiction
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A critical comment on the notion that the Pennsylvania German pioneers of Waterloo County were generally farmers and not interested in manufacturing industries or commerce.Year of publication: 1963Historical Period: 1806-1875Export options:My family tree
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the author's eight great- grandparents, of the Groh, Wanner, Bechtel and Clemens families who settled near Preston and Hespeler in the first two decades of the 19th century. ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesPennsylvania GermansGroh familyGroh JohnGroh Susannah WannerWanner TobiasWanner Catharine StryckerBechtel SamuelBechtel Barbara BaumanYear of publication: 1969Historical Period: 1800-1969Export options: