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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A separate people: an insider's view of Old Order Mennonite customs and traditions
Type: BookYear of publication: 2000Export options:Albert William Augustine
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the Waterloo trunk and bag manufacturer whose mother was a sister of L.J. Breithaupt and who married a daughter of Jacob Kaufman.Keywords: BiographiesManufacturersLeather industryAugustine Albert W.Augustine Edna Kaufman (m. Albert W.)Augustine Caroline Margaret Barbara Breithaupt (m. Albert B.)Breithaupt familyKaufman familyDoering Trunk Co. WaterlooCanada Trunk Co. KitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1890-1926Export options:Aloyes Bauer
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A biography of the Waterloo manufacturer and community leader.Keywords: BiographiesTextile IndustryFurniture industryBrewery industrySchools SeparateChurches CatholicBauer AloyesBauer familyBauer Magdalena Kuntz (m. Aloyes)Bauer Industries WaterlooYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1861-1926Export options:Alvin George Schreiter
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the Berlin upholstery manufacturer and furniture merchant.Keywords: BiographiesFurniture industrySchreiter A.G.Schreiter ArmandSchreiter Stanley W.Schreiter H.C.Schreiter Furniture Co. BerlinSchreiter Furniture Co. KitchenerDe Luxe Upholstering Co. Ltd KitchenerKitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1885-1926Export options:Alvin Ratz Kaufman
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the Kitchener businessman and city planning advocate, including a summary genealogy and account of the businesses promoted by his father, Jacob Kaufman.Keywords: BiographiesFootwear industrySaw mill industryRubber industryKaufman familyKaufman A.R. (1885-1979)Kaufman JacobKaufman Mary Ratz (m. Jacob)Kaufman MiltonRatz and Kaufman BerlinYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1877-1926Export options:Aunt Hannah
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Reminiscences of a Groh family visit by wagon to Aunt Hannah Baer, daughter of Levi Snyder, at Owen Reist's farm. There is genealogical information on the Baers, some of whom built bridges at ...Keywords: GenealogyCustoms and traditionsMennonitesPrestonHespelerWest MontroseFreeportGroh familyGroh IvanGroh OscarYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1845-1920Export options:Baptismal records, 1842-1980
Type: ReportAbstract: A compilation of all available baptismal records for Mennonites in Waterloo County to 1889, and then for Old Order Mennonites to 1980. The details, presented by year, were apparently transcribed from ...Keywords: Baptismal recordsChurches MennoniteMennonitesMennonites (Old Order)Eby Benjamin B.Shantz Henry P.Hagey Joseph B.Martin Abraham W.Cressman Amos S.Weber Elias E.Year of publication: 198Historical Period: 1842-1980Export options:Bernhard Koehler
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the superintendent of Kitchener's parks from 1914 to 1924, including a detailed account of the improvements to the park system and references to the prejudices expressed against German- ...Keywords: BiographiesParksGermansNurseriesKoehler BernardBreithaupt A.L.Asmussen NicholasBerlin Park BoardBerlin (Ontario)KitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1914-1924Export options:Bertha Mabel Dunham
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the chief librarian of the Kitchener Public Library, including details of her leading roles in local associations.Keywords: BiographiesLibrariansOccupationsWomenMennonitesDunham B. MabelDunham Magdalena EbyDunham MartinBerlin (Ontario)KitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1900-1926Export options:Carl Kranz
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the insurance broker and Mayor of Berlin in 1904 and 1905, with short biographies of his father, Hugo and his grandfather, Carl.Keywords: BiographiesMayorsInsurance agentsKranz CarlKranz HugoKranz familyC. Kranz and Son BerlinEconomical Mutual Fire Insurance Co.Berlin Light CommissionKitchenerYear of publication: 1927Historical Period: 1869-1926Export options: