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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A reflection on the collective biography
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An outline of a project that gathered data on 547 councillors, summarizing some of the collective results derived from the data including information on religion, occupation, political party and sex ...Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1852-1972Export options:Breslau (Cressman) Mennonite Church: some obituary extracts relating to interments in the Breslau (Cressman) Cemetery, Breslau, Ontario
Type: ReportAbstract: Information taken from obituaries to 1978, for which a name index has been prepared by Paul Pepper. Transcriptions of two land deeds of 1837 and 1858 in which Christian C. Snyder gave land to the ...Year of publication: 1994Historical Period: 1834-1978Export options:Families and communities of Waterloo Township in 1861
Type: ReportAbstract: A reconstitution of Waterloo Township society by unique linkage of three sources -- the 1861 census manuscripts, the township assessment rolls for 1861, and Tremaine's map. An introductory essay ...Keywords: Census recordsEthnic identityGermansLand ownershipMennonitesOccupationsSchoolsWaterloo TownshipYear of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1860-1861Export options:Grassroots government: biographies of Waterloo Township councillors
Type: ReportAbstract: Biographies and summary tables of 135 men elected to the township council or employed as clerk or treasurer from 1850 to 1972, as well as some of the officials before the township's incorporation in ...Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1820-1972Export options:Hannes Schneider: his descendants and times, 1534-1939
Type: BookAbstract: An index to the detailed family history by Miriam H. Snyder and Joseph M. Snyder, including names of people, businesses, organizations, churches, schools, newspapers, communities and events mentioned ...Keywords: BiographiesPhotographsGenealogyNewspapersSaengerfestsPost officesSportsDisastersBusinessesWelfareYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1800-1939Export options:Index to Pine Bush genealogy (Hespeler, Ontario) by Winfield Brewster
Type: ReportAbstract: An index to some 650 personal names mentioned in Brewster's book.Year of publication: 1987Export options:Index to The beginning of things in Wellington and Waterloo Counties with particular reference to Guelph, Galt and Kitchener (1935)
Type: ReportAbstract: An index to A.E. Byerly's history that includes nearly 3,000 entries, most of them personal names.Keywords: IndexesYear of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1816-1870Export options:Localities of landowners: assessment roll evidence, 1861-1951
Type: ReportAbstract: Indexes and tables of social and land use data for assessed property-owners in ten sample localities of the township at 10-year intervals between 1861 and 1951. Introduced by an essay describing each ...Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1861-1951Export options:Name/subject index to Waterloo County diary by Bill Moyer
Type: ReportAbstract: Index of nearly 500 entries, mainly persons, mentioned in Moyer's book.Keywords: IndexesWaterloo CountyGermansYear of publication: 1986Export options:Old Preston Cemetery master index (CC#6335): 751 Fountain Street North, Lot 26, Beasley's Broken Front Concession, Cambridge (Preston), Waterloo Township, Waterloo County, Ontario
Type: ReportAbstract: This index is a revision of one done in 1987 by Dona Madill.Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1846-1995Export options: