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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Christian Lebold history and genealogy
Type: BookAbstract: A history of the Lebold family of Wilmot Township whose progenitor, Jacob, arrived from Germany about 1835. Christian (1836- 1903) was Jacob's eldest child who inherited the family farm north of ...Keywords: GenealogyLand ownershipFarmersAmishMennonitesLebold familyLebold ChristianWilmot TownshipPunkeydoodle's Corner19th centuryYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1835-1991Export options:John Steckly family history: David and Magdalena (Ropp) Steckly genealogy
Type: BookAbstract: An illustrated genealogy of the family of John (Hans) Steckly who came to Wilmot Township in the first half of the nineteenth century. The French origins of the Steckly and Ropp families are ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers FrenchMennonitesAmishFarmersSteckley familyRopp familySteckly HansSteckly Barbara SteinmanSteckly JohnYear of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1820-1988Export options: