1751 |
Kitchener's "Comic Opera": The Fascist Movement of 1933 as Reported by the Kitchener Daily Record |
Journal Article |
2004 |
Ted Ballantyne |
National socialism, Kitchener |
1752 |
Bean family cairn |
Journal Article |
1995 |
Ellworth Bean, Marilyn Sararus |
Bean family, Biehn family, Mennonites, Cemeteries, Pennsylvania Germans, Wilmot Township, Haysville |
1833-1995 |
1753 |
More about Dr Samuel Bean |
Journal Article |
1983 |
Abraham Bean |
Teachers, Physicians, Clergy, Biographies, Children, Wilmot Township, Wellesley Township, Bean Samuel Dr |
1842-1977 |
1754 |
Family Documents Re-united in University Archives |
Journal Article |
1992 |
Susan Bellingham |
Berlin (Ontario) |
1807-1856 |
1755 |
Breithaupt papers return to Waterloo Region |
Journal Article |
1988 |
Susan Bellingham |
Breithaupt Louis Jacob (1855-1939) |
c1850-c1950 |
1756 |
An early Ontario Mennonite conference of 1836: a translation of the German reports in the local Berlin, Ontario (now Kitchener) weekly newspaper |
Journal Article |
1931 |
Harold Bender |
Mennonites, Berlin (Ontario), Conferences |
1757 |
Three Schneider Pennsylvania German pioneering families |
Journal Article |
1995 |
Lorna Bergey |
Mennonites, Waterloo Township, Schneider Christian, Schneider Elizabeth Erb (m. Christian), Schneider Jacob Yoch, Schneider Maria Erb (m. Jacob), Schneider Barbara Eby (m. Joseph), Schneider Joseph, Bean John Sr, Schneider Jacob C., Schneider Elizabeth Cressman (m. Jacob C.), Erb Abraham, Schneider John C., Schneider Joseph Jr, Snider Harold, Schneider Samuel S., Snyder Roy G., Snider Walter J., Schneider Joseph E., Schneider Jacob E., Sokvitne Miriam Snyder, Snider E.W.B. (1842-1921), Snyder Isadore, Tilt George, Snider Winifred, Snider Lillian |
1806-1968 |
1758 |
David and Louisa (Bowman) Bergey era |
Journal Article |
1995 |
Lorna Bergey |
Teachers, Schools, Mennonites, Waterloo Township, Williamsburg, Waterloo, Mannheim, Bergey David, Bergey Louisa Bowman (m. David) |
1866-1878 |
1759 |
Moses S. Bowman era, 1819-1898 |
Journal Article |
1995 |
Lorna Bergey |
Mennonites, Agriculture, Food customs, Wilmot Township, Waterloo Township, Mannheim, Bowman Moses S., Bowman Anna Cressman (m. Moses S.) |
1845-1890 |
1760 |
Milo Shantz, entrepreneur |
Journal Article |
1995 |
Lorna Bergey |
Mennonites, St Jacobs, Shantz Milo, Woolwich Township, Shantz Laura Martin (m. Milo) |
1953-1994 |
1761 |
Miriam Snyder Sokvitne |
Journal Article |
1980 |
Lorna Bergey |
Biographies, Museums, Associations and clubs, Sokvitne Miriam Snyder, Berlin (Ontario) |
1913-1980 |
1762 |
Neo-Nazis in Toronto: the Allan Gardens Riot |
Journal Article |
1996 |
Franklin Bialystok |
Toronto, Jews, Anti-Nazi Movements |
1763 |
Judah Gershom Joseph: a Footprint on King Street |
Journal Article |
1995 |
Peter von Bitter |
Toronto, Joseph Judah Gershom (1798-1857), Jews, Biographies |
1764 |
Ashkenazi is jazzy |
Journal Article |
1997 |
Ilona Biro |
Jews (Ashkenazi), Yiddish, Toronto, Festivals |
1765 |
Moritz Lindner, Berlin toymaker |
Journal Article |
1971 |
Irmgard Bitzer |
Industries, Biographies, Germans, Berlin (Ontario), Lindner Moritz |
1867-1898 |
1766 |
Letters from Wilmot: 1840, 1842, 1844 |
Journal Article |
1962 |
Jacob Bock |
Correspondence, Pennsylvania Germans, Schools, Wilmot Township |
1840-1844 |
1767 |
Historical notes on the Grand River |
Journal Article |
1930 |
William Breithaupt |
Landscape Natural, Waterways, Rivers and streams |
1600-1930 |
1768 |
President's address: Early settlement in Upper Canada |
Journal Article |
1923 |
William Breithaupt |
Pennsylvania Germans, Mennonites, War 1775-1783 American Revolutionary, United Empire Loyalists, Indigenous peoples |
1800-1923 |
1769 |
The diary of the Moravian Indian mission of Fairfield, Upper Canada, 1792-1813 |
Thesis |
1998 |
Gerlinde Sabathy-Judd |
Fairfield, Thamesville, Upper Canada, Moravian Germans, Indigenous peoples, Diaries, Missionaries, Settlers, 18th century, 19th century |
1770 |
City-building processes in Berlin/Kitchener and Waterloo, 1870-1930 |
Thesis |
1981 |
Elizabeth Bloomfield |
Berlin (Ontario) |
1830-1930 |
1771 |
The changing functions of the village of St Jacobs |
Thesis |
1965 |
Garfield Angst |
Industries, Architecture, Agriculture, Mennonites, Mennonites (Old Order), Settlers, St Jacobs, Snider E.W.B. (1842-1921), Woolwich Township, Conestogo River |
1848-1965 |
1772 |
Kinship, Communities, and Covenant Chains: Mohawks and Palatines in New York and Upper Canada, 1712-1830 |
Thesis |
2006 |
James Paxton |
Upper Canada, Mohawk Indians, Germans, Palatinate, Grand River |
1773 |
Convention, power and the self in German Mennonite magic |
Thesis |
1987 |
James Nyce |
Folk medicine, Waterloo County, Mennonites, Pennsylvania Germans, Christian Eby 1842-1920, Farmers |
1774 |
Former Enemies Come to Canada: Ottawa and the Postwar German Immigration Boom, 1951-1957 |
Thesis |
2000 |
Ronald Schmalz |
Immigration policy, Germans |
1775 |
"We Shall Go Forward with Our Songs into the Fight for Better Life": Identity and Musical Meaning in the History of the Toronto Jewish Folk Choir, 1925-1959. |
Thesis |
2005 |
Benita Wolters-Fredlund |
Toronto Jewish Folk Choir, Jews, Labour movements, Music, Yiddish, Toronto |
1925-59 |
1776 |
The High German of Russian Mennonites in Ontario |
Thesis |
2009 |
Nikolai Penner |
German language, Russian Mennonites, Anabaptists, Language interaction, Language use, Ontario |
1777 |
A short history of Kitchener, Ontario, 1933-1935 |
Thesis |
1973 |
Ron Findlater |
Politicians, Associations and clubs, Businesses, Kitchener, Euler W.D., Tweed S.C., Asmussen Nicholas, Sturm H.W., Lips C.G., Hodgson William, Weir J.J.A., Leyes Leo, Fraser Jonathan W. Dr, Ferguson R.H. Dr, Pequegnat Marcel, Smith J. Albert, Tait James, Gordon George W., Berges E.A., Hagedorn L.E., Germans, Swiss |
1933-1935 |
1778 |
The rural-urban fringe with comparative reference to London, Kitchener-Waterloo and Sarnia |
Thesis |
1961 |
Lorne Russwurm |
Urbanization, Landscape Rural, Zoning, Land development, Land use, Rural-urban fringe, Landscape Urban, Environment Physical, Farmers, Population, Planning, Industries |
c1930-1961 |
1779 |
The middle Grand River Valley of Ontario: a study in regional geography |
Thesis |
1943 |
Chun-fen Lee |
Settlers, Germans, Agriculture, Industries, Waterloo County, Wellington County, Brant County |
1810-1943 |
1780 |
German-Canadian folk linguistic perceptions of traditional dialects |
Thesis |
2007 |
Sarah Darling |
Linguistics, Language use, Dialects, Kitchener, Waterloo, Interviews |
1781 |
German Sängerfest in Waterloo County during the late nineteenth century |
Thesis |
1981 |
Dale Maves |
Music, Waterloo County |
1782 |
The black experience in Canada's Queen's Bush |
Thesis |
1995 |
Linda Brown-Kubisch |
Black people, Churches Baptist, Clergy, Land development, Land sales, Land surveyors, Schools, Churches Methodist, Settlers Black, Missionaries, Settlement process, Squatters |
1830-1860 |
1783 |
The missionaries in the black settlement |
Thesis |
1996 |
Linda Brown-Kubisch |
Black people, Churches Baptist, Clergy, Land development, Land sales, Land surveyors, Missionaries, Schools, Churches Methodist, Settlers Black, Settlement process, Squatters |
1830-1860 |
1784 |
The black experience in the Queen's Bush Settlement |
Thesis |
1996 |
Linda Brown-Kubisch |
Black people, Churches Baptist, Clergy, Land development, Land sales, Land surveyors, Settlers Black, Settlement process, Schools, Churches Methodist, Squatters, Petitions |
1830-1860 |
1785 |
Sprachkontakt in Kanada: Ethnizität und Sprachverwendung unter Kanadadeutschen in Waterloo County, Ontario |
Thesis |
1999 |
Marc Koschel |
German, Waterloo Region, Language use, Ethnic identity |
1786 |
Contesting social exclusion: An interrogation of its self-imposed expressions |
Thesis |
2006 |
Luann Gingrich |
Mennonites, Ethnic identity, Religious minorities, Social conditions, German (Low) |
1787 |
Border crossings: The making of German identities in the New World, 1850--1914 |
Thesis |
2002 |
Barbara Lorenzkowski |
Berlin (Ontario), Ethnic identity |
1850-1914 |
1788 |
Irish Palatine communities in nineteenth-century Ontario |
Thesis |
1990 |
Carolyn Heald |
Irish, Palatinate, Ethnic identity, Protestants, Settlers, 19th century |
1789 |
Volunteer recruiting in Waterloo County during the Great War, 1914-1918 |
Thesis |
1977 |
Alexander Forbes |
World War I, Ethnic identity, Waterloo County, Military recruitment |
1790 |
The differential growth rates of urban centres in Waterloo County, 1800-1910 |
Thesis |
1980 |
Jim Davidson |
Settlers, Ethnic identity, Waterloo Township, Wellesley Township, Woolwich Township, Wilmot Township, Dumfries North Township, Berlin (Ontario), Hespeler, Preston, Elmira, Waterloo, New Hamburg |
1800-1910 |
1791 |
The immigrants who came to Kitchener and Waterloo after the Second World War |
Thesis |
197 |
Susan Fyfe |
Immigration, Ethnic groups, Ethnic identity, Germans, Associations and clubs, Concordia Club Kitchener, Transylvania Club Kitchener, Kitchener-Waterloo Council of Friendship, Kitchener, Waterloo |
1941-1973 |
1792 |
Elements of population change in Wellesley Township, 1901-1911 |
Thesis |
1983 |
Linda Lobsinger |
Demographic statistics, Germans, Ethnic groups, Ethnic identity, Marriage, Occupations, Deaths, Diseases, Wellesley Township |
1901-1911 |
1793 |
A historical study of political, ethnic and religious composition of Kitchener and Waterloo |
Thesis |
1968 |
Ian MacNaughton |
Ethnic groups, Elites, Religion, Associations and clubs, Germans, Politicians, Occupations, Ethnic identity, Businessmen, Kitchener, Berlin (Ontario), Waterloo |
1854-1968 |
1794 |
Berlin, Ontario, 1916 |
Thesis |
197 |
C. Cornish |
Occupations, Schools, Demographic statistics, Businesses, Industries, Ethnic groups, Ethnic identity, Germans, Berlin (Ontario) |
1912-1916 |
1795 |
Re-thinking ethnic boundaries: the negotiation of German-Canadian ethnic identities in Ottawa, 1945-1975 |
Thesis |
1996 |
John Walsh |
Ottawa, Ethnic identity |
1796 |
Fragmented identity: a comparative study of German Jewish and Canadian Mennonite literature after World War II |
Thesis |
2001 |
Elfrieda Schroeder |
Ethnic identity, Jewish diaspora, Mennonites, German, Literary criticism |
1797 |
A plea for peoplehood: religious and ethnic identity, continuity, and change among the Mennonites of Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario |
Thesis |
1989 |
Daphne Winland |
Mennonites, Ethnic identity, German, Cultural identity, Acculturation, Kitchener, Waterloo, Waterloo Region, Mennonite Central Committee, Inter-Mennonite Conference, Western Ontario Mennonite Conference, Mennonite Conference of Ontario and Quebec, Conference of United Mennonite Churches, Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada, Hmong Christian Church, Waterloo Mennonite Church, Mount Zion Mennonite Church Berlin (Ontario), Weber Street Mennonite Church Kitchener, 19th century, 20th century |
1800-1989 |
1798 |
The German Canadians of Berlin (Kitchener), Ontario in the First World War |
Thesis |
1968 |
Margarete Woollatt |
Germans, Ethnic identity, World War I, Place names, German language, Berlin (Ontario), Newspapers, Galt |
1914-1918 |
1799 |
The Breithaupts and Breithaupt Leather: Building a family business in Berlin, Ontario |
Thesis |
1992 |
Andrew Thomson |
Berlin (Ontario), Businesses, Breithaupt family, Leather industry, Breithaupt Leather Co. Berlin |
1800 |
The dual heritage of Berlin, Ontario |
Thesis |
1988 |
Julie Sullivan |
Biographies, Diaries, Breithaupt Louis Jacob (1855-1939), Berlin (Ontario), Kitchener, Leather industry, Breithaupt Leather Co. Berlin, Entrepreneurs, Politicians, Evangelical Church, 19th century, 20th century |
1875-1910 |