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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Keeping the Faith: The Jewish Response to Compulsory Religious Education in Ontario's Public Schools, 1944-1990
Type: ThesisKeywords: Religious EducationJewsYear of publication: 1999Export options:Kin of Hespeler
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A note of a letter received by the Mayor of Hespeler from Mrs H.B. (Stephanie) Benn, granddaughter of William Hespeler, the younger brother of Jacob.Year of publication: 1960Historical Period: 1840-1960Export options:Kingwood Reformed Mennonite Cemetery (CC#4535): West Concession III, Lot 3, Wellesley Township, Waterloo County, Ontario
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions with index of some 120 stones in the small cemetery located just west of the crossroads hamlet formerly known as Goosetown. The cemetery served the Reformed Mennonites connected with a ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyMennonitesYear of publication: 1989Historical Period: 1860-1988Export options:Kinship, Communities, and Covenant Chains: Mohawks and Palatines in New York and Upper Canada, 1712-1830
Type: ThesisYear of publication: 2006Export options:Kinzie family history: study research material, incomplete
Type: BookAbstract: Working papers including a bibliography, biographies of the American Kinzies, and a genealogy beginning in 1716. Dilman Kinzie and his wife Barbara came to Doon from Pennsylvania in 1800. Dilman died ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers PennsylvaniaWomenBiographiesMennonitesKinzie familyKinzie DilmanKinzie James A.Kinzie JohnKinzie WilliamYear of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1800-1977Export options:Kinzie genealogy
Type: BookAbstract: A revised edition of a genealogy of the ancestors and descendants of Dilman Kinzie, a Pennsylvania Mennonite who died in Doon in 1806. There is biographical information on family members, excerpts ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesSettlers PennsylvaniaKinzie familyKinzie DilmanKinzie Barbara BiehnDoonYear of publication: 1972Historical Period: 1800-1972Export options:Kinzie-Bean Cemetery (CC#5425): Biehn Tract Lot 1, Waterloo Township (now Mill Park Drive, Kitchener, west of Doon)
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions and index of about 80 surviving markers and monuments in the cemetery located on the original farm of John Biehn who came from Montgomery County, PA in 1800. Biehn's son-in-law, Dilman ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1800-1985Export options:Kitchener: an illustrated history
Type: BookKeywords: Berlin (Ontario)Year of publication: 1996Export options:Kitchener: an illustrated history
Type: BookAbstract: A study of Berlin/Kitchener in which the themes of economic growth, population and ethnicity, the urban landscape, and social and political life are discussed in six broad eras. These are the early ...Keywords: Berlin (Ontario)Year of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1799-1979Export options:Kitchener German: A Pennsylvania German Dialect
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords: Pennsylvania GermanDialectsKitchenerYear of publication: 1953Export options: