@article{2127, keywords = {Mennonites, Churches Mennonite}, author = {Amy Dueckman}, title = {Clearbrook Mennonite closes its doors}, abstract = {
"They, as church, tried as best to be healthy and effective," Garry Janzen, Mennonite Church B.C.'s executive minister, told Canadian Mennonite. "At the same time, eventually they were unable to continue. Given the fact it was a German congregation, and considering the age of people, [the closure] seemed inevitable." Another local congregation, Eben-Ezer Mennonite, which still retains a German service, has opened its doors to any Clearbrook members who wish to attend. Others may attend nearby Clearbrook Mennonite Brethren Church.
}, year = {2015}, journal = {Canadian Mennonite (Waterloo)}, volume = {19}, chapter = {19}, isbn = {1480-042X}, language = {eng}, }