TY - RPRT KW - Genealogy KW - Settlers French KW - Churches Catholic KW - Montag family KW - Montag Karl KW - Montag Margaret Wenzel (m. Karl) KW - St Agatha AU - Theresa Montag AU - Sister Montag AU - Sister Montag AB - An extended genealogical chart of an Alsatian Catholic family who settled in St Agatha early in the 19th century. C1 - Montag Family; Montag, Karl; Montag, Margaret Wenzel (m. Karl) C3 - St Agatha C4 - 1813-1982 C7 - English(30) CY - Hanover DP - Elizabeth Bloomfield. WATERLOO REGIONAL HISTORY BIBLIOGRAPHY SYSTEM. Most pre-1993 items are also included in the print work Waterloo County to 1972: an Annotated Bibliography of Regional History. Kitchener: Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation, 1993. ID - 3495 LA - English LB - DFMON M1 - Report M3 - Print(0) N1 - ID -: e-0337 PB - The Authors PP - Hanover PY - 1982 SP - 286 p. index T1 - Family of Karl Montag and Margaret Wenzel ER -