@misc{1961, keywords = {Indigenous peoples, Land surveys, Land surveyors, Land speculation, Land sales, Land grants, Settlers, Rivers and streams, War 1812, Land patents, Farm machinery, Farmers, Land development, Mills, Railways, Agriculture, Bridges, Dams, Industries, Rebellion 1837-1838, Women's Institutes, Government United Canada, Government Provincial, Transportation, United Empire Loyalists, Drainage, Economic conditions, Education, Writers, Electricity, Engineers, Telephone systems, Communication}, author = {Mabel Dunham}, title = {Grand River}, abstract = {A popular account of the history of the valley, by the former chief librarian of Kitchener Public Library. The treatment of the Indians of the Six Nations by land speculators, the arrival of the pioneers, and the development of the area into a modern industrial society are all vividly described. The book is illustrated with drawings by Edward Cleghorn.}, year = {1945}, number = {Generic}, pages = {299 p. ill., bibl., index+}, publisher = {McClelland and Stewart}, address = {Toronto}, language = {English}, }