@misc{196, keywords = {Genealogy, Sources, Waterloo County, Wellington County, Upper Canada}, title = {Ancestor charts}, abstract = {Five-generational charts compiled for their families by early members of the branch. Principal family names connected with Waterloo County are Bauman, Blundell, Buehler, Clemmer, Cook, Cornell, Cressman, Doud, Faber, Fairbairn, Farrow, Freeman, Fuller, Greig, Hahn, Howey, Jones, Kieffer, Lednor, Kinzie, Lehman, Lelond, Martin, Mather, McDonald, McKinnon, Near, Norris, Oberholtzer, Robertson, Roth, Rudy, Schneider, Snyder, Schoenhals, Shaver, Smuck, Stroh, Strong, Tindale, Warren, Weber and Weicker. There is also an index of about 400 family names included in the charts in some way.}, year = {1974}, number = {Report}, pages = {54 p.+}, publisher = {Ontario Genealogical Society, Waterloo- Wellington Branch}, address = {Waterloo}, language = {English}, }