@misc{1956, keywords = {Germans, Associations and clubs, World War II, Refugees, Immigration, Periodicals, Galt}, author = {Canadian Relief}, title = {The German-Canadian Review: a quarterly, published in cooperation with the Goettingen Research Committee into the Refugee and Expellee Problem}, abstract = {A continuation of the monthly bulletin produced by the Canadian Society for German Relief to assist German-speaking immigrants. In 1954 the review was published in Manitoba and focused on the problems of German refugees. It contains articles in German and English which have a worldwide scope. The University of Waterloo Rare Book Room holds vol. 7, nos. 1, 2, and 3 and vol. 8, no. 1. In 1956 the review was published by the Canadian German Society, and the place of publication changed from Manitoba to Galt.}, year = {1954}, number = {Generic}, pages = {8 p. ill.+}, publisher = {Canadian Society for German Relief}, address = {King's Park, Manitoba}, language = {German; English}, }