@book{1391, keywords = {Genealogy, Families, Settlers Swiss, Mennonites}, author = {Arthur Graber}, title = {Swiss Mennonite ancestors and their relationship from 1775}, abstract = {A genealogy referring mainly to the South Dakota Swiss Mennonites. Waterloo County names occurring in this genealogy are indexed in the WRP database. These are the Albrecht, Gerin, Graber, Kaufman, Kramer, Krehbiel, Miller, Ortman, Preheim, Ries, Schmidt, Schrag, Schwartz, Stucky, Straus, Sutter, Tieszen and Waltner families.}, year = {1980}, number = {Book, Whole}, pages = {691 p. indexes+}, publisher = {Pine Hill Press}, address = {Freeman, SD}, }